Module tkintertable.TableFormula

Module implements the Formula class for cell formulae. Created Oct 2008 Copyright (C) Damien Farrell

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

Source code
#!/usr/bin/env python
    Module implements the Formula class for cell formulae.
    Created Oct 2008
    Copyright (C) Damien Farrell

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

#import sys, os
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
    from tkinter import *
    from tkinter.ttk import *
    from tkinter import filedialog, messagebox, simpledialog
    from Tkinter import *
    from ttk import *
    import tkFileDialog as filedialog
    import tkSimpleDialog as simpledialog
    import tkMessageBox as messagebox
from types import *
import re

class Formula(object):
    """A class to handle formulas functionality in the table"""

    #replace symbols in recnames with strings for proper parsing
    #replace = {'+':'plus', '-':'minus', '*':'mult',

    def __init__(self):


    def isFormula(cls, rec):
        """Evaluate the cell and return true if its a formula"""
        isform = False
        if type(rec) is dict:
            if 'formula' in rec:
                isform = True
        return isform

    def getFormula(cls, rec):
        """Get the formula field string"""
        if not type(rec) is dict:
            return None
        string = rec['formula']
        #print string
        return string

    def readExpression(cls, expr):
        """Get the operands and operators into lists from a string expression"""
        ops = []
        vals = []
        p = re.compile('[()*/+-]')
        x = p.split(expr)
        ops = p.findall(expr)
        #print expr, ops
        for i in x:
            if i == '':

        #print ops, vals
        return vals, ops

    def doExpression(cls, vals, ops, getvalues=True):
        """Create an expression string from provided operands and operators"""
        expr = ''
        if getvalues == True:
            for i in range(len(vals)):
                if vals[i] != '':
                    vals[i] = float(vals[i])
        if len(ops)>len(vals):
            while len(ops):
                #use lists as queues
                expr += ops.pop(0)
                if len(vals)!=0:
                    if v == '':
                        expr += str(v)
        elif len(ops)<len(vals):
            while len(vals):
                #use lists as queues
                if v == '':
                    expr += str(v)
                if len(ops)!=0:
                    expr += ops.pop(0)
        return expr

    def doFormula(cls, cellformula, data):
        """Evaluate the formula for a cell and return the result
           takes a formula dict or just the string as input"""
        if type(cellformula) is dict:
            cellformula = cellformula['formula']

        vals = []
        cells, ops = cls.readExpression(cellformula)

        #get cell records into their values
        for i in cells:
            if type(i) is ListType:
                recname, col= i
                if data.has_key(recname):
                    if data[recname].has_key(col):
                        v = data[recname][col]
                        if cls.isFormula(v):
                            v = cls.doFormula(cls.getFormula(v),data)
                        return ''
                    return ''
            elif i== '' or type(i) is IntType or type(i) is FloatType:
                return ''
        if vals == '':
            return ''
        #print vals, ops
        expr = cls.doExpression(vals, ops)
        #print 'expr', expr
        result = eval(expr)
        return str(round(result,3))


class Formula

A class to handle formulas functionality in the table

Source code
class Formula(object):
    """A class to handle formulas functionality in the table"""

    #replace symbols in recnames with strings for proper parsing
    #replace = {'+':'plus', '-':'minus', '*':'mult',

    def __init__(self):


    def isFormula(cls, rec):
        """Evaluate the cell and return true if its a formula"""
        isform = False
        if type(rec) is dict:
            if 'formula' in rec:
                isform = True
        return isform

    def getFormula(cls, rec):
        """Get the formula field string"""
        if not type(rec) is dict:
            return None
        string = rec['formula']
        #print string
        return string

    def readExpression(cls, expr):
        """Get the operands and operators into lists from a string expression"""
        ops = []
        vals = []
        p = re.compile('[()*/+-]')
        x = p.split(expr)
        ops = p.findall(expr)
        #print expr, ops
        for i in x:
            if i == '':

        #print ops, vals
        return vals, ops

    def doExpression(cls, vals, ops, getvalues=True):
        """Create an expression string from provided operands and operators"""
        expr = ''
        if getvalues == True:
            for i in range(len(vals)):
                if vals[i] != '':
                    vals[i] = float(vals[i])
        if len(ops)>len(vals):
            while len(ops):
                #use lists as queues
                expr += ops.pop(0)
                if len(vals)!=0:
                    if v == '':
                        expr += str(v)
        elif len(ops)<len(vals):
            while len(vals):
                #use lists as queues
                if v == '':
                    expr += str(v)
                if len(ops)!=0:
                    expr += ops.pop(0)
        return expr

    def doFormula(cls, cellformula, data):
        """Evaluate the formula for a cell and return the result
           takes a formula dict or just the string as input"""
        if type(cellformula) is dict:
            cellformula = cellformula['formula']

        vals = []
        cells, ops = cls.readExpression(cellformula)

        #get cell records into their values
        for i in cells:
            if type(i) is ListType:
                recname, col= i
                if data.has_key(recname):
                    if data[recname].has_key(col):
                        v = data[recname][col]
                        if cls.isFormula(v):
                            v = cls.doFormula(cls.getFormula(v),data)
                        return ''
                    return ''
            elif i== '' or type(i) is IntType or type(i) is FloatType:
                return ''
        if vals == '':
            return ''
        #print vals, ops
        expr = cls.doExpression(vals, ops)
        #print 'expr', expr
        result = eval(expr)
        return str(round(result,3))

Static methods

def doExpression(vals, ops, getvalues=True)

Create an expression string from provided operands and operators

Source code
def doExpression(cls, vals, ops, getvalues=True):
    """Create an expression string from provided operands and operators"""
    expr = ''
    if getvalues == True:
        for i in range(len(vals)):
            if vals[i] != '':
                vals[i] = float(vals[i])
    if len(ops)>len(vals):
        while len(ops):
            #use lists as queues
            expr += ops.pop(0)
            if len(vals)!=0:
                if v == '':
                    expr += str(v)
    elif len(ops)<len(vals):
        while len(vals):
            #use lists as queues
            if v == '':
                expr += str(v)
            if len(ops)!=0:
                expr += ops.pop(0)
    return expr
def doFormula(cellformula, data)

Evaluate the formula for a cell and return the result takes a formula dict or just the string as input

Source code
def doFormula(cls, cellformula, data):
    """Evaluate the formula for a cell and return the result
       takes a formula dict or just the string as input"""
    if type(cellformula) is dict:
        cellformula = cellformula['formula']

    vals = []
    cells, ops = cls.readExpression(cellformula)

    #get cell records into their values
    for i in cells:
        if type(i) is ListType:
            recname, col= i
            if data.has_key(recname):
                if data[recname].has_key(col):
                    v = data[recname][col]
                    if cls.isFormula(v):
                        v = cls.doFormula(cls.getFormula(v),data)
                    return ''
                return ''
        elif i== '' or type(i) is IntType or type(i) is FloatType:
            return ''
    if vals == '':
        return ''
    #print vals, ops
    expr = cls.doExpression(vals, ops)
    #print 'expr', expr
    result = eval(expr)
    return str(round(result,3))
def getFormula(rec)

Get the formula field string

Source code
def getFormula(cls, rec):
    """Get the formula field string"""
    if not type(rec) is dict:
        return None
    string = rec['formula']
    #print string
    return string
def isFormula(rec)

Evaluate the cell and return true if its a formula

Source code
def isFormula(cls, rec):
    """Evaluate the cell and return true if its a formula"""
    isform = False
    if type(rec) is dict:
        if 'formula' in rec:
            isform = True
    return isform
def readExpression(expr)

Get the operands and operators into lists from a string expression

Source code
def readExpression(cls, expr):
    """Get the operands and operators into lists from a string expression"""
    ops = []
    vals = []
    p = re.compile('[()*/+-]')
    x = p.split(expr)
    ops = p.findall(expr)
    #print expr, ops
    for i in x:
        if i == '':

    #print ops, vals
    return vals, ops