Finding genes in a genome or assembly with Python
There are lots of tools for finding specific genes inside genome sequences. The well established technique is to blast the query gene sequence to your own (the target). You generally need to use some threshold of percentage identity and coverage of the sequence to filter results. Here is a method in Python that uses blast to search a genome sequence in a fasta file. The sequence can be anything like full genomes, assembly contigs or a short segment of sequence.
This method takes the target sequence and makes a local blast database from it using makeblastdb
. The function blast_sequences
uses the blastn command to run the search. The code for these functions isn’t given here for brevity, they are part of the tools module of the snipgenie package. You can copy them from the source here. Hits are returned as a dataframe with one hit per row. From this coverage can be calculated. Some other fields are derived here because I was blasting contigs from Spades. Those lines can be removed if not needed. ident
and coverage
are used to filter the hits according to how specific and sensitive you want the search. It’s determined by your goal i.e. finding paralogs in a complete genome you might use high coverage and moderate identity. It’s often easier to set a threshold low and then see what you get.
The function assigns the gene name from the query sequence id. So make sure you query sequences have names that are meanginful to you. Something like this for example:
First install the ncbi blast command line tool on your system. You can so it like this on Ubuntu for example:
sudo apt install ncbi-blast+
import pandas as pd
#you don't need this if you just copy the required tools functions from the module
from snipgenie import tools
def find_genes(target, query, ident=90, coverage=75, duplicates=False, threads=2, **kwds):
"""Find ref genes by blasting the target sequences"""
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio import SeqIO
queryseqs = list(SeqIO.parse(query,'fasta'))
print ('blasting %s sequences' %len(queryseqs))
bl = blast_sequences(target, queryseqs, maxseqs=1, evalue=1e-4,
cmd='blastn', show_cmd=True, threads=int(threads))
#print (bl.iloc[0])
bl['qlength'] = bl.qseq.str.len()
bl['coverage'] = bl.length/bl.qlength*100
bl = bl[bl.coverage>coverage]
bl = bl[bl.pident>ident]
#used when we are blasting to contigs from spades. remove if not needed.
bl['filename'] = bl.sseqid.apply(lambda x: x.split('~')[0],1)
bl['id'] = bl.filename.apply(lambda x: os.path.basename(x),1)
bl['contig'] = bl.sseqid.apply(lambda x: x.split('_')[1],1)
#try to extract gene name from query sequence id, otherwise use it directly
bl['gene'] = bl['qseqid'].apply(lambda x: x.split('~~~')[1],1)
bl['gene'] = bl.qseqid
#remove exact and close duplicates
print (len(bl))
bl = bl.sort_values(['bitscore'], ascending=False).drop_duplicates(['contig','sstart','send'])
print (len(bl))
#this is also optional
if duplicates == False:
dist = 20
#print (x[:15][x.columns[:5]])
unique = x.sstart.diff().abs().fillna(dist)
bl = bl[unique>=dist]
cols = ['gene','id','qseqid','pident','coverage','sstart','send','contig','filename','bitscore']
#print (bl)
bl = bl[cols]
return bl
The code is called like this. Where querygenes
contains the sequences you want to search for. bl
is a DataFrame.
target = 'mygenes.fa'
bl = find_genes(target,'querygenes.fa',ident=95,coverage=95)
The results will look like this:
gene qseqid pident coverage sstart send contig bitscore sample
66 MBOVPG45_0817 MBOVPG45_0817 100.000 100.0 1072 101 67 1754.0 221
62 MBOVPG45_0815 MBOVPG45_0815 100.000 100.0 2406 1534 47 1575.0 221
7 vspK vspK 99.739 100.0 4425 5189 47 1371.0 221
63 vspJ vspJ 100.000 100.0 853 128 70 1310.0 221